
Precision Grip

Developmentally and historically the precision grip has been classified according to ability to oppose the pads of the thumb and index fingers, while stabilizing the wrist, middle, ring, and small fingers of the hand. Developmentally the pincer grasp refines with age and typically reaches maturity by about XXX years of age.

The fine pincer grasp is a grasp pattern classification historically considered to be the most mature and efficient. It is characterized by the ability to oppose the tip of the thumb and index finger, the flexed position of the fingers, and an optimal round web space when picking up the tiny object. Tiny objects are considered to be such items as pills, coins, buttons, cheerios to offer just a few examples. However there are many functional and age appropriate developmental variations of the pincer grasp. It is up to you and/or a professional to determine what you hope to gain from the Tri-Loop, whether it be simply improving functional ability or aspiring to the historically best in it's class, the fine pincer grasp. 

Our Goals for the Tri-Loop Relative to the Precision Grip:

  • Promote a function and performance in picking up tiny objects whether it be for school, play, work, leisure, or daily living activities 
  • Offer a product to support development or remediation of a mature and efficient precision grip when paired with therapeutic activity
  • Offer a product that offers immediate improved performance and independence 
  • Offer a product that is cool and fun
  • Offer an assistive device you can hang, clip, or wear, so you always know where to find

Instructions for Use:

  • Insert thumb, index and middle fingers individually into loops
  • Position Tri-Loop on fingers as needed to promote function or a precision grasp

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